Saturday, 11 July 2015

The Internet Addict

What to watch for.

You husband wife or child using the internet a lot.

These people get connected with groups and can be easily manipulated.

Some go on big power trips thinking they can do anything.

Soon they have a team of people to talk to and work with. Some of these people are set ups. In other words they get paid to make you thing what they want.

The spouse begins to raid bank accounts to pay for the group. They stop taking care of kids. They get angry they become internet Nazis.

They begin to support all sorts of slobs on the internet just because they have been brainwashed or the person pushes the right buttons.

The best option is to take the children family ect and leave them. There is usually no way to help an Internet Junkie and Internet Cult Member.

The Swiss-Indo team are glued to the internet for many hours a day. They are beyond help. They believe anything they read. Their mind becomes mushed up.

The police would not help you much.
The government will not help you much.
The financial instiutions when they steal money will not help you much.

The instutions are full of as many boof heads as the cult.

The best bet is get in early. As soon as you see an Internet Cult Junkie - Cut them off. let them lead their fantacies.

Take all you money and family and let them spend their lives in front of the computer trying to work out who the ring leaders are what the truth is and who trust.

P*** the off. They have NO HOPE!

They are NO HOPERS!!!

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