The swiss-indo cult want to control your children.
The mothers fathers and cult members use psychological methods to prevent children from talking or associating with parents or friends the are against the group.
Or are against their supreme leader Mr. Sughi
They call police, use UN identification, threats with federal police.the UN military.
This is a dangerous Cult. Full of brainwashed people.
In general they terrify kids.
They do not let them talk to their mothers or fathers. They have to live and talk to cult members only. This is the beginning stage of the brainwashing.
They do not let them talk to their mothers or fathers. They have to live and talk to cult members only. This is the beginning stage of the brainwashing.
Put a block on kids passports. If your spouse is a member. Put them on a flight risk watch.
Relatives / parents / friends who do not agree with swiss-indo are booted out.
While the NICE members of Swiss-Indo are shown to be nice role-models.
They tell them stories of ancient blood lines. These kids under 10 believe the information.
Is there a way I can contact you to discuss a relative matter please